About Dolores Press Inc.
Dolores Press, Inc. is one of the last true Christian bookstores, featuring the Bible teaching of Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D., and her late husband, Dr. Gene Scott, Ph.D., Dolores Press is also your source for inspirational works from such authors as C. H. Spurgeon, A. W. Tozer, and Martyn Lloyd-Jones. You will also find Bibles, Bible Reference books, Greek and Hebrew Lexicons, and books on the history of the Reformation as well as other classic and historically significant works. Here at Dolores Press, there is no fluff, no self-help books, no romance or suspense novels and no diet books, just the word of God rightly divided.
New Arrivals
The 20th Anniversary Collection: Commemorating ...
For 20 years, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D., has faithfully communicated the gospel, reaching a wor...
For 20 years, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D., has faithfully communicated the gospel, reaching a worldwide audience 24 hours a day via internet, television, and radio. This special selection of Pastor Scott’s faith-inspiring messages celebrates her love of God’s word and will encourage you in your Christian journey. Disc 1 God’s Perfect Love Conquers Fear August 6, 2017 Disc 2 Gideon: Courage and Strength that Comes from God July 9, 2017 Disc 3 Stewardship: Don’t Neglect the Gifts Given t...
$59.99 $139.93
Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit Volume 24
It may be hard for you to accept, but God wants to save you. The Gospel is Good News: God is no l...
It may be hard for you to accept, but God wants to save you. The Gospel is Good News: God is no longer against you! He takes you as you are, and if you trust Him, He gives you the gift of His Spirit and changes you into what He intended you to be. Christianity is not a list of rules. Rule-keeping cannot take you to heaven. Christianity loses the battle when it stakes its right to exist on its ability to produce better ethical behavior. The message of the church is not ethics: it is eternal li...
$39.99 $45.00
Crossing the Wilderness: God Will Lead Us Throu...
God leads us through difficult times to see what is in our hearts. Through these trials, He shows...
God leads us through difficult times to see what is in our hearts. Through these trials, He shows us His adequacy and teaches us to fully rely on Him and His word. In this 2-DVD set, Dr. Gene Scott teaches on many of the promises of God that are ours to claim, which help us through whatever trials we might face. The Lord is our refuge. He is our source of strength, providing exactly what we need for each step of the way. Disc One "Be Thou Strong and Very Courageous" Joshua 3:4, Psalm 46, Psal...
$29.99 $39.98
20 Years in the Pulpit: A Journey by Faith
Celebrating 20 years of ministry, this message looks back at a life lived by faith and the making...
Celebrating 20 years of ministry, this message looks back at a life lived by faith and the making of a child of God. Hebrews 11 memorializes those in the Old Testament that overcame challenges by faith in God. They are to be examples to us to continue in the faith and stay connected to God and His word. Just as God saw the people of the Bible through, so will He see us and this church through. Hebrews 11. VF-2488.
Greed, Giving, and Something In Between
Our attitude towards money says a lot about who we are and how we will be memorialized by God. O...
Our attitude towards money says a lot about who we are and how we will be memorialized by God. On one hand, the Bible is replete with references to greed and greedy people. On the other hand, there are those who were generous, recognized that they were stewards, and managed the things that God gave them responsibly. This message is a mirror from God’s word to help us reflect on how we want to be remembered. VF-2487.
Jesus Christ Is the Last and Final Passover
The Passover was instituted in the Old Testament as a remembrance of the deliverance of God’s chi...
The Passover was instituted in the Old Testament as a remembrance of the deliverance of God’s children out of Egypt. It was kept until the last Passover, celebrated by Jesus before His death and resurrection. Then Christ became our Passover through His finished work at the cross. There are no more Passovers to be celebrated. Instead, we go to the Table of the Lord in remembrance of Him and what was accomplished through His blood and the resurrection. VF-2486.
Galatians: Faith Energizes Love and the Fruit o...
The medieval church distorted the meaning of the end of Galatians 5:6, making works of love produ...
The medieval church distorted the meaning of the end of Galatians 5:6, making works of love produce faith rather than faith outworking itself in love. Faith energizes the fruit of the Spirit, including more faith, setting off a chain reaction. There is trench warfare between the flesh and the Spirit. Conformity to Law can’t save, but when you grab a promise in faith, that puts the energizing force in you that displaces the desires of the flesh and brings alive the new creation in Christ Je...
From Moses to Messiah: The Biblical History of ...
How does one define Judaism? What makes someone Jewish? Why has there always been so much controv...
How does one define Judaism? What makes someone Jewish? Why has there always been so much controversy surrounding the land of Israel? Unfortunately, there has been much confusion and conflation regarding the terms “Israelites,” “Hebrews,” and “Jews.” Also, many traditions are not as ancient as people might think they are. But there are answers to be found in God’s word, which should be studied along with secular history and archaeology. In this series, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D., traces how ...
$149.98 $339.83
Repentance: Pulling Down the Strongholds of the...
To repent means to turn from our ways to God’s ways. It is the starting point of our relationship...
To repent means to turn from our ways to God’s ways. It is the starting point of our relationship with Christ. In this 2-DVD set, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D., teaches on the necessity of repentance for the Christian walk. When we are exposed to God’s word and recognize the depth of our sin, it ought to have a life-changing impact on us. The Bible says, “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the ...
$29.99 $39.98
Power to Serve Complete 21-Disc DVD Set
The Complete set of Power to Serve by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Volume 1 The church at large ...
The Complete set of Power to Serve by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Volume 1 The church at large has a deep spiritual problem. This problem is rooted in the failure of Christians to realize that they are not their own. In this first volume of the Power to Serve series, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. lays out the right starting point for the Christian walk: recognize that you belong to the Lord and honestly examine your relationship with Him. Have you stopped growing in the body of Christ? Have y...
$179.97 $419.79
Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit Volume 23
In this Collection of sermons, Dr. Gene Scott gets to the heart of the God-man relationship. As C...
In this Collection of sermons, Dr. Gene Scott gets to the heart of the God-man relationship. As Christians, we have been called to demonstrate the value of God’s word in our lives. God wants to know if He can trust us to respect His rights and be a good steward of His things. He has proven Himself to be faithful, and He has the right to expect faithfulness from us. Galatians is the apostle Paul’s most passionately written Epistle. Paul strongly opposed anyone who would try to twist Christiani...
$39.99 $45.00
Romans Series 33 Romans 1 Verse 9F
The gospel is the good news about Christ and the good news about Christ is that He blesses throug...
The gospel is the good news about Christ and the good news about Christ is that He blesses through words. Christ's words carry within them the power to affect. Words to heal, words to save, words to change. Romans 1:9F. VF-1189. © Copyright 1999
Featured this Month
The Epistle of Jude: A Clarion Call to Contend ...
The Epistle of Jude: A Clarion Call to Contend for the Faith ~ by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. “I...
The Epistle of Jude: A Clarion Call to Contend for the Faith ~ by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. “It is difficult in our generation to understand this idea of heresy or heretics because, quite frankly, the church at large has become rather heretical.” —Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. The Epistle of Jude is often overlooked because it is one of the shortest books in the Bible. Yet its author, a half-brother ...
$49.99 $55.00
Nehemiah: Man's Place in God's Plan
Nehemiah: Man’s Place in God’s Plan The first book written by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Nehemia...
Nehemiah: Man’s Place in God’s Plan The first book written by Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. Nehemiah was a servant in the royal court of Babylon in the 5th century BC when he received a report concerning the conditions in Jerusalem: the city and its people were in great affliction and reproach; its wall was broken down and its gates had been burned with fire. When Nehemiah heard the news, he made it his burden to rebuild the wall and to restore what had been destroyed. Nehemiah: Man’s Place i...
$49.99 $55.00
Short Lessons from the Big Book
Short Lessons from the Big Book A New Compilation of Dr. Gene Scott’s Classic Early Writings Taki...
Short Lessons from the Big Book A New Compilation of Dr. Gene Scott’s Classic Early Writings Taking the Bible, the “Big Book,” and breaking down the essential meaning of the life of faith into a series of Short Lessons, Dr. Gene Scott transforms theology into practical life applications. This is a collection of some of Dr. Scott’s best-loved early sermons that were birthed at a transition point in his ministry after he broke free from his traditional denominational upbringing. This all-new e...
Pastor Scott's KJV Key Word Study Bible
KJV Hebrew – Greek Keyword Study Bible Pastor Melissa Scott’s Exclusive Limited Edition Now you c...
KJV Hebrew – Greek Keyword Study Bible Pastor Melissa Scott’s Exclusive Limited Edition Now you can own your own copy of the same Study Bible that Pastor Scott uses! Available exclusively through Dolores Press, this special limited edition features Pastor Scott’s name on the spine and also her own presentation message inside. Edited by the late Greek scholar Spiros Zodhiates, this King James Version Study Bible features key words coded with Strong’s Concordance numbers to facilitate a deeper...
Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit Volume 5
The bloodthirsty army that awaited the inhabitants of the ancient city was many times their size,...
The bloodthirsty army that awaited the inhabitants of the ancient city was many times their size, and it had gathered with one purpose: To annihilate them once and for all! So, the people marched out of their city carrying no weapons and singing! The mighty warrior shook his massive spear as he stood bellowing his challenge at the cowering army on the cliffs above, demanding they send out their champion to meet him in battle. So, they sent a teen-aged boy with no armor, who stopped to pick up...
$39.99 $45.00
Spurgeon on Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Unleash the power of prayer and protect yourself from Satan's wiles! Encouraging you to claim God...
Unleash the power of prayer and protect yourself from Satan's wiles! Encouraging you to claim God's promises for your every need, Charles Spurgeon shows how to pray successfully, practice praise, find peace in life's storms, and gain freedom over sin and temptation. His life-changing messages will meet you where you are and help you conquer the enemy! 576 pages, softcover from Whitaker. ISBN: 9780883685273
A top-quality edition of a great Christian classic---at a budget price! Remembered for his leader...
A top-quality edition of a great Christian classic---at a budget price! Remembered for his leadership in the house church movement in China, Nee spent his last 20 years in a Communist prison. His powerful meditation on God, Jesus, and the Bible brings the daily reality of following Christ into sharp focus. Features a thoughtful new introduction. 212 pages, hardcover from Hendrickson.
Faith Handles Volume 1 (4-Disc DVD Set)
In this collection, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. teaches on the various subjects intended to give ...
In this collection, Pastor Melissa Scott, Ph.D. teaches on the various subjects intended to give you the tools needed to strengthen your faith. Volume 1 Disc 1 The Resurrection: Understanding the State of Mankind and Immortality 1 Corinthians 15:14 Disc 2 Tharsei: Christ's Call to Courage Matthew 9 & 14, John 16, Acts 23 Disc 3 Satan's Attack and the Remedy in Christ 2 Corinthians 11:3-15 Disc 4 Our Failure, God's Success John 18:15-18 __________________________________ This attractive st...
Introduction to Communion Dr. Gene Scott Unfolds the Meaning of the Lord’s Supper The Communion, ...
Introduction to Communion Dr. Gene Scott Unfolds the Meaning of the Lord’s Supper The Communion, often called “the Table of the Lord,” is an enigma to many people. For some, it may seem like a highly ritualistic event, thanks to the shrouding in mystery the Table of the Lord has received through the centuries. The tragic result is that a practice which Jesus intended to be a simple act of Remembrance and Faith has become neither simple nor faith-inspiring, and has been removed from the hand...
The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon
A trio of eminent Old Testament scholars, Francis Brown, R. Driver, and Charles Briggs, spent ove...
A trio of eminent Old Testament scholars, Francis Brown, R. Driver, and Charles Briggs, spent over twenty years researching, writing, and preparing this lexicon. Since it first appeared in the early part of the twentieth century, BDB has been considered the finest and most comprehensive Hebrew lexicon available to the English-speaking student. Based upon the classic work of Wilhelm Gesenius, the "Father of modern Hebrew lexicography," BDB gives not only dictionary definitions for each word, b...
Failure, Restoration, and Getting Real with God...
When we read the Bible, we learn not only about God but also about ourselves. We can relate to t...
When we read the Bible, we learn not only about God but also about ourselves. We can relate to the apostle Peter, because he had so many human flaws. Peter neglected prayer, followed from afar, and ended up denying his Lord. The problem is we all tend to revert to type when we don’t keep a close connection with God. But Peter was not only restored, he got to preach the sermon that birthed the church on the day of Pentecost! How did Peter find his way back? And what are we supposed to do...
$29.99 $39.98
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is a classic masterpiece of religious satire that entertains...
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis is a classic masterpiece of religious satire that entertains readers with its sly and ironic portrayal of human life and foibles from the vantage point of Screwtape, a highly placed assistant to the chief demon, "Our Father Below." At times wildly comic, deadly serious, and strikingly original, C.S. Lewis's The Screwtape Letters is the most engaging account of temptation—and triumph over it—ever written. Paperback, 160 pages ISBN: 9780060652937
Dr. Gene Scott Pulpit Series
Our Favorite Songs Music CDs
Each of the songs in this collection occupies a special place in my heart. They were recorded in...
Each of the songs in this collection occupies a special place in my heart. They were recorded in different places, both in times of trial and times of victory, but always sung first to our faithful God, and to minister to a congregation listening either in person or abroad. Like the first volume, these too are some of Our Favorite Songs. Whether written centuries ago or much more recently, they all were inspired by the wonderful message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That thread binds us t...
This is a collection of songs taken from the Los Angeles University Cathedral recorded live as pa...
This is a collection of songs taken from the Los Angeles University Cathedral recorded live as part of our worship. I have no training or experience as a professional singer and only began leading the song service when my husband, Dr. Gene Scott, asked me to temporarily step into that role. I was soon “drafted for the duration," as we like to say, and have continued to sing these songs of Praise and Faith in my tenure as pastor. They were sung to God from the heart, as a ministry to the congr...
Dr. Gene Scott's Romans Series
Romans Series 1 Romans Chapter 1 Verse 1
Using Greek grammar, Dr. Scott illustrates how "Paul of Christ," "slave of Christ," "called of Ch...
Using Greek grammar, Dr. Scott illustrates how "Paul of Christ," "slave of Christ," "called of Christ," "sent of Christ," "apostle of Christ," and "centered on Christ" are synonyms. Christ is his master and he is separated to the gospel. VF-1157. © Copyright 1999.
Romans Series 2 Romans Chapter 1 Verse 2
Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, was called, sent, and separated unto the gospel. Christ is the ori...
Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus, was called, sent, and separated unto the gospel. Christ is the origin of slave-hood to the Father. It is His nature in us that gives us the ability of servitude; that state of being is God's gift to us as we trust Him. For our trust, He makes us new creatures in Christ Jesus. VF-1158. © Copyright 1999.
Romans Series 3 Romans Chapter 1 Verse 3A
It isn't that God just wants to possess us, but He gives us His spirit that makes us want to be u...
It isn't that God just wants to possess us, but He gives us His spirit that makes us want to be under His control. We don't want to nor can we be a slave to God in the flesh. It is Christ in us that enables us to be His slave. VF-1159. © Copyright 1999.
Romans Series 4 Romans Chapter 1 Verse 3B
Christ in us is the Hope of Glory. God has given us a means of deliverance, taking us as though w...
Christ in us is the Hope of Glory. God has given us a means of deliverance, taking us as though we are something we are not and working with us as long as we keep trusting Him. It is He that justifies us, and for our faith, He gives us salvation. We are seated in Christ in Heavenly places by an act of imputation. VF-1160. © Copyright 1999.
Romans Series 5 Romans Chapter 1 Verse 3C
Using the genealogies in Matthew and Luke, Dr. Scott shows how God was faithful to His word. God ...
Using the genealogies in Matthew and Luke, Dr. Scott shows how God was faithful to His word. God had a son born of the seed of David as was promised by the prophets in the holy scriptures. VF-1161. © Copyright 1999.
Romans Series 7 Romans Chapter 1 Verse 4A
We live so far below of what God wants for us when we lean on the works of our will, our effort, ...
We live so far below of what God wants for us when we lean on the works of our will, our effort, and our flesh in an imitation of Christ. God wants us to have faith in Jesus Christ; the same faith that Christ demonstrated. For faith in Christ, God puts His spirit in us, and that Spirit changes our self-preserving nature into a new dimension of being. This is the message that the church of Jesus Christ exists to preach! VF-1163. © Copyright 1999.
Featured For Kids and Tots
The Tuttle Twins Combo Set of 13 Books
Receive a deep discount when you purchase the full set of all thirteen Tuttle Twins Children's bo...
Receive a deep discount when you purchase the full set of all thirteen Tuttle Twins Children's books. Also available individually: #1 The Law #2 The Miraculous Pencil #3 Creature from Jekyll Island #4 Food Truck Fiasco #5 Road to Surfdom #6 Golden Rule #7 Search for Atlas #8 Spectacular Show Business #9 Fate of the Future #10 Education Vacation #11 Messed Up Market #12 Leviathan Crisis #13 12 Rules Boot Camp
$104.99 $129.87
The Tuttle Twins and the 12 Rules Boot Camp (#13)
Life doesn’t come with a manual, but there are some helpful rules that one can follow in their l...
Life doesn’t come with a manual, but there are some helpful rules that one can follow in their life to be set up for success. That’s something that the Tuttle twins have been taught by their parents— and something they teach to their Uncle Brock in their new adventure. Inspired by the popular 12 Rules for Life written by Jordan Peterson, this story sees the twins organize a boot camp for Brock to help him see the power of these ideas—and how each of the ideas is like an ingredient that, when...
Bible Belles - The Five Book Gift Set with Devo...
Need a great gift that both girls and moms will love? This five book kids bundle with the Devotio...
Need a great gift that both girls and moms will love? This five book kids bundle with the Devotional is the perfect solution. You can now get the entire set at a deep discount. This fun, Christian series is great for pre and early readers age 4-8 and independent readers age 9 and 10. The devotional book contains five, 7-day devotionals. 80 pages of memory verses and more to help you guide your child through conversations about: God's Love and Purpose. Hannah - The Belle of Prayer Book Esth...
$69.99 $102.94
You’re never too young to learn the basic ideas of freedom—and our new toddler books prove that f...
You’re never too young to learn the basic ideas of freedom—and our new toddler books prove that fact! These extremely cute (and highly educational) board books cover three ideas: economics, liberty, and the American Revolution. Each book walks through each letter of the alphabet to introduce new words and their definitions, alongside some cute illustrations! Receive a deep discount when you purchase the set of all three Tuttle Toddlers books.
$19.99 $23.97
The Tuttle Twins Learn About The Law (#1)
What are individual rights, and where do they come from? Should the government help people, or sh...
What are individual rights, and where do they come from? Should the government help people, or should we? Ethan and Emily explore these and more questions as they learn about the law and help your kids do the same. Full of bright, engaging illustrations, this unique book introduces your child to fundamental principles that schools no longer teach. Book #1 of 12 in this Series. By Connor Boyack Paperback: 58 pages ISBN: 978-0-9892912-2-4 Purchase the Complete Set of 13 Tuttle Twins Adventure...
The Tuttle Twins and the Miraculous Pencil (#2)
What is the free market and why is it so important? Ethan and Emily embark on a fun field trip to...
What is the free market and why is it so important? Ethan and Emily embark on a fun field trip to learn how pencils are made using parts from all over the world—and how in an economy, people work together in harmony to produce helpful products that improve our lives. Book #2 of 12 in the Series. By Connor Boyack Paperback: 55 pages ISBN: 978-0-9892912-8-6 Purchase the Complete Set of 13 Tuttle Twins Adventures at a deep discounted price!
The Tuttle Twins and the Fate of the Future (#9)
The history of the world is a tale of some people bossing others around, but brave thinkers have ...
The history of the world is a tale of some people bossing others around, but brave thinkers have always offered ideas for a better future where people use persuasion instead. And after Ethan and Emily watch a dystopian film portraying a future full of coercion, they realize that they need to learn how to avoid it. Book #9 of 12 in this Series. By Connor Boyack Paperback: 60 pages ISBN: 978-1-943521-34-0 Purchase the Complete Set of 13 Tuttle Twins Adventures at a deep discounted price!
The Tuttle Twins and the Messed Up Market (#11)
Now that they’ve made some money, Ethan and Emily Tuttle begin to wonder how they can put it to g...
Now that they’ve made some money, Ethan and Emily Tuttle begin to wonder how they can put it to good use and earn even more. So the idea of a Children’s Entrepreneur Market is born, which can help them find other kids who might want to borrow their money to build their small business. Book #11 of 12 in this Series. By Connor Boyack Paperback: 64 pages ISBN: 978-1-943521-45-6 Purchase the Complete Set of 13 Tuttle Twins Adventures at a deep discounted price!
The Tuttle Twins and the Golden Rule (#6)
People throughout the world strongly disagree on many things, yet there is one universal principl...
People throughout the world strongly disagree on many things, yet there is one universal principle—a “Golden Rule” as it’s often called— upon which many people do agree: we should treat others the way we want them to treat us. Book #6 of 12 in this Series. By Connor Boyack Paperback: 60 pages ISBN: 978-1-943521-17-3 Purchase the Complete Set of 13 Tuttle Twins Adventures at a deep discounted price!
The Tuttle Twins and the Leviathan Crisis (#12)
The Tuttle twins and their team of heroes tackle a new quest in an adventure game that they soon ...
The Tuttle twins and their team of heroes tackle a new quest in an adventure game that they soon begin to realize is closer to reality than they might have guessed. A magical battle against the forces of Leviathan and its Idol turns out to be packed with lessons for what’s happening in the world around them. Book #12 of 12 in this Series. By Connor Boyack Paperback: 60 pages ISBN: 978-1-943521-65-4 Purchase the Complete Set of 13 Tuttle Twins Adventures at a deep discounted price!
The Tuttle Twins and the Education Vacation (#10)
Ethan and Emily Tuttle have spent several years in school being graded on the quality of their wo...
Ethan and Emily Tuttle have spent several years in school being graded on the quality of their work. But after hearing an award-winning teacher discuss some problems with schooling and share a vision for how children are best educated, the Tuttle family decides to embark on a new learning adventure. Book #10 of 12 in this Series. By Connor Boyack Paperback: 61 pages ISBN: 978-1-943521-37-1 Purchase the Complete Set of 13 Tuttle Twins Adventures at a deep discounted price!
The Tuttle Twins and the Search for Atlas (#7)
In a world filled with consumers, what happens if the producers give up and leave? And how can pe...
In a world filled with consumers, what happens if the producers give up and leave? And how can people better practice personal responsibility and not have a sense of entitlement about the things they think they deserve? Book #7 of 12 in this Series. By Connor Boyack Paperback: 60 pages ISBN: 978-1-943521-19-7 Purchase the Complete Set of 13 Tuttle Twins Adventures at a deep discounted price!